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Khedut Haat Organic onion crunch crispy roasted onion flakes are a rich source of vitamin C and B and contain minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Attributed to the hold of enriched vitamins and minerals, the onion flakes make a great choice for health enthusiasts. onion flakes is offers 340 calories of energy in every 100 g quantity, Certain compounds in onions work akin to insulin for controlling blood sugar and are useful for diabetes patients, onion flakes are good for digestion and check stomach infection to a certain extent, The presence of Natural Sulfur in dehydrated onion prevents blood clotting, cholesterol, decrease triglycerides, and reduces the risk of heart diseases, Antioxidants defend our immune system and increase its functionality. Consuming onions check the oxidation of fatty acids, thus, lowering inflammation in the body.
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