• APPLE 500 GM


    Khedut Haat Organic apple are helps Your lung strength, Your heart With asthma, Bone health, Weight loss, Your brain (easing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related memory loss), Your immune system, Your gut health. apples helps for your skin supporting healthy aging, brightening complexion, acting as an exfoliant, potentially reducing acne, hydrating skin. Eating apples can help not only with brightening up your skin but also lightening its colour, because they provide a little protection against tanning. apple helps to protect your skin from UV rays and melanin also helps to build healthy tissues, hair and eyes.

  • BABY CORN 250 GM


    Khedut Haat Organic baby corn helps to repair skin cells and keeps the upper most layers of our bodies smooth, healthy, glowing and supple. baby corn also has negligible fat content, which makes it a better bet for weight loss. diabetics who want to enjoy corn, definitely baby corn is a healthier alternative.

  • BANANA 500 GM


    organic banana may include helping with weight loss, reducing obesity, curing intestinal disorders, relieving constipation, and conditions like dysentery. bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral that plays an important role in heart health. Potassium helps normalize your heartbeat rhythm and stabilize your blood pressure, potentially reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular issues later in life. Banana can also help with menstrual problems and burns. It is good for reducing blood pressure, protecting heart health, boosting metabolism and immunity, reducing the severity of ulcers, ensuring healthy eyes, building strong bones, and detoxifying the body.

  • BEET 250 GM


    Beets are rich in folate (vitamin B9) which helps cells grow and function. Folate plays a key role in controlling damage to blood vessels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. benefits of beetroot for healthy and glowing skin is Keeps wrinkles at bay. Beetroot helps you to give the ageless beauty that you are dreaming of, Gives glowing and bright skin, Fights acne and pimples, Cures dark circles, Goodbye Tanning, For Dry skin, Say Yes to Bright lips. beetroot juice is rich in irons, vitamins and minerals, it is known to purify the blood and reduce pimples. beet are also helps lower blood pressure, May improve digestive health and May be anti-inflammatory.


    Khedut haat Organic Karela is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, which are good for the skin. It reduces ageing and fights acne and skin blemishes. It is useful in treating various skin infections like ringworm, psoriasis, and itching. Karela juice adds lustre to the hair and combats dandruff, hair loss, and split-ends. karela is also helps Packs Several Important Nutrients, Can Help Reduce Blood Sugar, May Have Cancer-Fighting Properties and Could Decrease Cholesterol. organic bitter gourd ensuring that you enjoy the health benefits of karela without worrying about any harmful.


    Khedut Haat Organic bottle gourd are helps to remove toxins and other impurities from your body, which in turn reduces the risk of acne, pimples, blemishes, dark circles, and dark spots. bottle gourd are also helps Reduces stress, Benefits the heart, Helps in weight loss, Helps in treating sleeping disorders, Prevents premature greying of hair, Helps in digestion, Benefits the skin. It helps reduce the inflammations in the liver and kidneys. Helps in easing the problem related to constipation. The water and fiber in the bottle gourd make the digestive system free and active. Bottle gourd helps to treat urinary tract infection. Regular intake of bottle gourd can also control hair fall.



    Khedut Haat Organic brinjal are Rich in Many Nutrients, High in Antioxidants, Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease, Promote Blood Sugar Control, Could Help With Weight Loss, Have Cancer-Fighting Benefits and Very Easy to Add to Your Diet. The vitamins, minerals and water present in brinjal are great for giving you baby soft skin. brinjalcontain healthy enzymes that stimulate the hair follicles, which promotes healthy hair growth.




    Khedut Haat Organic Broccoli is a good carb and is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Along with this, broccoli is also great for weight loss because it is rich in fiber. Broccoli contains vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium which promote hair growth. It also contains lutein, a carotenoid that works like beta carotene. Lutein helps protect your skin from oxidative damage, which can cause your skin to become dry and wrinkled. broccoli are Support Heart Health in a Variety of Ways and Protect Against Certain Types of Cancer.

  • CABBAGE 250 GM


    Khedut Haat Organic cabbage contains vitamin C and K, antioxidants that protect skin from free-radical damage. Cabbage nourishes your hair, thus providing you with silky, shining hair. Apply its juice on your scalp and the roots of your hair. Shampoo your hair after an hour. Cabbage juice may do wonders for your skin health. Cabbage, especially red cabbage, seems to raise levels of beta-carotene, lutein, and other heart-protective antioxidants. Cabbage Is Packed With Nutrients, It May Help Keep Inflammation in Check, Cabbage Is Packed With Vitamin C, It Helps Improve Digestion, May Help Keep Your Heart Healthy, May Lower Blood Pressure, Could Help Lower Cholesterol Levels, Cabbage Is an Excellent Source of Vitamin K.

  • CARRET 250 GM


    KHedut Haat Organic carrets loaded with vitamin A and beta-carotene, which there’s evidence to suggest can lower your diabetes risk. They can strengthen your bones. Carrots have calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health. The fiber in organic carrots can help keep blood sugar levels under control. In carret Rich source of dietary carotenoids, May support cholesterol balance and heart health, May help with weight loss goals, May reduce the risk of cancer, May support gut health. The beta carotene in carrots will help keep your hair soft and shiny. Vitamin A and E in carrot will also help stimulate hair growth and make your roots much stronger. carrots improve dental health and aid in weight loss.



    Khedut haat Organic Cauliflower is as good a source of fiber and vitamins. Its ingredients may help strengthen bones, boost the cardiovascular system, and prevent cancer. Tasty ways of eating cauliflower include cauliflower crust pizza and cauliflower and cheese soup. People who are using blood thinners should not suddenly start eating a lot of cauliflower because the high levels of vitamin K could react adversely with the drugs. Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has been found to reduce the chance of developing many adverse health conditions.



    Khedut Haat organic Cherry tomatoes may protect heart health, lower your risk of certain diseases, and support healthy skin. Cherry tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is great at fighting free radicals that cause disease. Lycopene can also limit UV damage to your skin from sun exposure and promote better heart health. Cherry tomatoes are also an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Potassium. Although cherry tomatoes have very few side effects, they may worsen acid reflux. In rare cases, they may also lead to allergic reactions or food poisoning.



    Khedut Haat organic Chilli effective pain reliever, as a digestive and anti-ulcer aid. Although, people with active peptic ulcer may be bothered by “spicy foods”. Loaded with Vitamin C and beta-carotene, green chillies are great for healthy eyes, skin and immune system. chilli are helps Treat Skin Infections, Good For The Digestive Health, Weight Loss, Control In Blood Sugar Levels, Prevent Cancer & Good For Heart.



    Khedut haat Organic Cluster beans(gawar) are rich in fibers and potassium. They have low fat and calorie content and higher plant proteins. They reduce cholesterol, maintain blood flow in vessels and blood pressure levels, and improve heart health. The calcium and phosphorus minerals in guar beans fortify bones and enhance bone health. You can add cluster beans in ypur diet to get all these advantages. Cluster beans helps you in weight managment, blood circulation, blood pressure, even diabetes patients can also get various benefits.

  • Coriander (Dhana) 250 GM


    Khedut Haat Organic Coriander (Dhana) in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in coriander provide significant health benefits. Coriander leaves and seeds are full of vitamin K, which plays an important role in helping your blood clot. Vitamin K also helps your bones repair themselves, helping prevent problems like osteoporosis. Coriander also acts as a remedy for oily skin due to its ability to absorb excess oil. It is also an antimicrobial, antiseptic and antifungal agent that can help soothe and cool the skin. In coriander(dhana) High in vitamins like A, B, 12, and D, coriander acts as a natural detoxifier and contains anti-fungal and antiseptic properties that deep cleans the hair and scalp. can be used in different ways. Make a paste of neem leavesand water, apply it on your scalp and leave for half an hour before you wash you hair. Coriander leaves: Prepare a paste of coriander leaves or apply its juice on the scalp. Lleave it for an hour and wash it off with warm water.



    Khedut Haat organic cucumbers can help fight free radicals in your body, unpaired electrons that damage cells and can lead to disease. Cucumbers may also have health benefits outside your body. Putting them on your skin may help ease sunburn pain, swelling, and damaged skin.  cucumbers are low in calories and contain a good amount of water and soluble fiber, making them ideal for promoting hydration and aiding in weight loss. cucumbers are help Cucumbers Promote Hydration, Improve Memory, Cucumbers Aid in Weight Loss, Maintain Healthy Digestion, Reduce Blood Sugar Levels, Have Anti-Cancer Benefits, Reduce Inflammation, Cucumbers Promote Healthy Skin.


    Curry leaves are packed with antioxidants that may protect your body by reducing oxidative stress and scavenging free radicals. curry leaves are helps reduce heart disease risk factors, neuroprotective properties, anticancer effects. Curry leaves are a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin B2, calcium, and iron, apart from a heavy distinctive odor and pungent taste. Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants and proteins that neutralise the free radicals and keep the hair healthy and strong.


    Khedut Haat Organic Drumsticks are well known for their health benefits. They contain vitamin A, C and B complex vitamins. Furthermore, drumsticks are good sources of calcium, phosphorus and iron. Therefore, including them in your daily diet helps prevent anaemia. Drumsticks are packed with antifungal properties, which makes them perfect for dealing with skin ailments. One of the leading benefits is that it helps minimize and treat pimples, boils and abscesses. You can also make a DIY face mask with moringa leaves to give your skin an instant clean-up. drumsticks are promoting the overall health of pregnant women.



    Khedut Haat Organic Bananas include vitamin C, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals that contribute to general health. Elaichi Banana also helps the body maintain a regular heartbeat, lower blood pressure, and a proper balance of water in the body. elaichi banana are to keep bones strong.  Its Vitamin B6 component is also important for normal brain and nerve functions. Serve it mashed for younger children or as a milk shake.



    Khedut Haat Organic green fenugreek are helps Reduce the risk of diabetes, Improve milk production and flow, Improve weight loss, Raise testosterone and boost sperm count, Reduce inflammation, Reduce the risk of heart and blood pressure conditions, Pain relief. Fenugreek is a rich source of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D. They are essential for bone health. Fenugreek may slow down the ability of DHT to attach to your hair follicles.

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